About bitCommander

BitCommander is a file manager with improved functionality, re-imagined user interface and experience of navigating and manipulating file-system.

Development of bitCommander beta has been successfully funded on Kickstarter in January 2014 thanks to these backers.

BitCommander was developed by Milos Paripovic

One Commander Dual Panel file manager with miller columns support

BitCommander has been rebranded to One Commander File Manager.

Please download new version from the official website http://onecommander.com/

Continue reading to see the original concept from 2013

Understandable folder structure Miller Columns folder structure

Folder structure is presented as a system of nested tabs on different levels to make folder hierarchy clearly visible.

Always look at the same area Folder browsing optimized for touch screen users

Clicking on a folder reveals its child-folders by sliding all ancestor folder-levels to the left. This way you always look at the same area until you find the desired folder.

Touchscreen friendly

If you use touchscreen, you won't even need to move the hand while navigating.

Intelligent use of screen space Automatically resizagle folder panel columns

All folder-levels are resized to fit available space. If you have small a screen and folder-panels become too narrow, hover one panel to expand it.

This way you can always return to the parent folder or any of the ancestor-folders without scrolling horizontally (OS X Finder) or finding your way through folder tree view (Windows Explorer).

Less clicking, less scrolling, easier navigation

Smart folder-names Smart shortening of folder names

If a folder-name does not fit panel width, it is intelligently shortened so you can still recognize it.

For example, folder name
"Adobe Media Encoder CS6" will shorten to:
"Adobe Media Enc..CS6" instead of
"Adobe Me...coder CS6" (OSX Finder) or
"Adobe Media Encod..." (Windows Explorer) which would be inconvenient in case of having multiple versions within the same folder.

Human-friendly filenames human friendly file names with distinctive number styling
  • Filenames are shown without special characters (can be disabled)
  • Merged words are separated to improve readability
  • Numbers are thicker so you can find the revision you want faster
Intelligent filename shortening File names inteligent shortening

Filenames are intelligently shortened to fit available space while keeping them recognizable.

This means that numbers in filenames will not be shortening collateral as in other file managers.

Relative file dates Relative file dates - file age

Instead of using absolute dates like other file managers, BitCommander shows relative dates color coded by the "hotness" of the file.

Now you don't have to check the current date and do the math to find out when the file was modified.

  • If a file was modified today you will see how many hours and minutes ago you modified it.
  • If you modified it less than two months ago, you will see how many days passed.
  • Up to a year ago, you will see file age in number of months.

Color coding of the file age makes it even easier to find what you are looking for. The older the file, the colder the color.

Thumbs and details in the same view Combining thumbnail and detailed file representation in the same view

In this special view mode, image and video files are displayed as thumbnails while all other files are listed with details.

This saves the space while still providing all the relevant information on files

Fitting thumbnails bitcommander vs OS X Finder vs Windows Exporer/File Explorer

To make most use of the space, all thumbnails have fixed height while their width is proportionally resized.

That is perfect for folders containing pictures with varying aspect ratios, even ones mixing portrait oriented images and wide panoramas.

Compare here image representation between BitCommander and Windows Explorer or OSX Finder
(same folder, approximate window size and zoomed to fit same number of images)

Click to enlarge!

Quick filtering Quick single key file view filtering

Pressing a keyboard letter anytime filters the current list of files and folders.

Press * or Backspace to clear the filter

"To Do" tasks in any folder Creating to-do tasks in folders

Create "To Do" tasks in any folder with ease.

These are basically text files with custom extension which program recognizes and styles differently.
Instead of file icon there is a checkbox for a quick interaction with "To Do" files".
First X characters of the task text is the filename while the rest is in the file. Program displays text from the file and not the filename, so you can include any special characters.

Use special "To Do" folder (under list of drives) to organize yourself.
If you point it to a folder in the Dropbox, you will have it synchronized across all your computers.

File-browser tabs File Manager tabs

Open multiple tabs within the same window and easily switch between them.

List of recently opened folders is accessible from any tab.

Context sensitive buttons Context sensitive buttons support

All buttons are context sensitive which means that each button is visible only if its clickable. Selecting a file or folder enables appropriate buttons.

Dark-blue buttons with white text modify selection, while light-blue buttons perform general actions.

Smart Drag&Drop Drag&Drop between panels in any direction

As you start dragging selected files you see only areas where you can drop your files.

Drop them to a folder, folder-panel, drive, another tab or Temp list.

Holding CTRL copies files; otherwise files are moved.

Smarter clipboard (Drop List) Smart Clipboard for collecting files and folders

Collect all files you need in a Drop List before moving or copying.

Put files from multiple folders in the Drop List and copy all at once.

Easy sorting to multiple destinations Quick sorting files across multiple destinations

Have a quick access to recent copy/move destinations.

Batch operations Scheduled sequential file copying and moving

Taskmaster (old Batch Worker) is a module for sequential copying and moving. Since it processes files one-by-one it makes the copying faster. It does not interrupt for errors, but lets you to decide about those at later time.

(SOON) Taskmaster is also useful for maintaining multiple backups since you can save the whole list and run it at different times. You can even export the list as windows batch file and make it execute every time you log off your computer even without bitCommander installed.

If you still wish to try the original version go to:

One Commander V1 Download

Future Dual pane file manager - one commander

Meet One Commander - the bitCommander's successor. Faster, with more features, and also free and without ads. Made with 2+ years of your support and feedback.

Download at the official website onecommander.com
